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Ohs Noes...my computers havings problems

Ah...the joys of Saturday morning.  I am sitting here this a.m., while trying to convince Joshua that going to his friend's birthday party might be fun (and not winning), when we get a call with caller ID reading UNAVAILABLE.  It is election time, so I assume it is some campaign trying a last ditch effort to bull$**t me into voting for them.  However, Nicole had mentioned that she had been receiving missing several of these calls recently and I was curious what the call was.  I answer the call and have a large pause before I get an individual (ah...an autodialer, this is not a recorded message).  Finally, on the other end, comes a voice with a thick accent (likely Indian).

The "fun" begins.  The gentleman on the other end of the line picks up and asks for me by name.  Here is how the conversation went (not verbatim, but close enough to get the gist of the call:

"May I speak to Kirk Becker...."


"This is (name forgotten) from Online PC Support," (I think that was the name).  "I am calling you because you may be having a problem with your computer. "

"Okay...."  I think I see where this is heading...***SCAM ALERT ALARM SOUNDS GOING THROUGH MY HEAD***

"Yes, your computer has been reporting errors online to us.  Can you tell us what operating system you have?"

"Okay...um..."  Do I have time to play around with the guy?  Nah...I still have to help my youngest get dressed.  "I somehow don't think so.  You see, I am an IT professional that might have a clue on how my computer actually operates.  Please take me off your calling list."



Turns out this scam may be more widespread than I had originally thought.  Doing a quick google search brought me to the following website where at least 900 different people have commented about the scam, and there was a police crackdown in July in the UK on one of these outfits.  The website has links to several videos where people are on the phone with these "PC support experts."  Some reports from individuals getting called in the US can be found here.

Obviously, don't give them any more information or a credit card.  They are out to steal something from you.


I do hope ignore me and call back.   I would love to get help on an OS2 Warp system.  :)

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Watching the government rather than American Idol

As the "debate" continues on who should win American Idol, our Congress (who is supposed to represent us) puts bills on the table that continue to attack at our civil liberties as American citizens.  One of the news stories I heard on our local station dealt with S. 3039 which has this hidden gem included:


The Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shall carry out a collaborative research effort under section 301 of title 49, United States Code, to continue to explore the feasibility and the potential benefits of, and the public policy challenges associated with, more widespread deployment of in-vehicle technology to prevent alcohol-impaired driving.


From what I understand, this is looking to develop technology to be installed in ALL cars, to determine the BAC of the driver (not from a breathalyzer), with the research costs of $12M/year for the next 5 fiscal years.    Why should I (as a non-drinker) have this expense be included in a new car purchase if I have no propensity to have consumed alcohol?  Whatever happened to personal responsibility and the freedom associated with it.

Keep your eyes on your personal freedoms.  Check out:


US Debt Clock - We really are in debt up to our eyes

No Agenda Podcast - A show where they watch CSPAN so we don't have to.




Responsible Disclosure vs Client Confidentiality

As I was looking through my Twitter feed at lunch, I ran across the following article by noted security blogger, Brian Krebs.  The story tells about a vendor (in particular a core vendor in the Fiserv family) who had made an announcement to its clients that going past Adobe 8.1 is currently not recommended as it breaks functionality. First of all, it probably is not the brightest thing for the vendor to recommend an obsolete version of Adobe, especially with all the vulnerabilities and compromises because of Acrobat, and should have been working diligently over the past year to repair that issue.  However, the announcement came over a client only secured web site.  This was information that was being relayed to the client institutions so they can make the proper risk assessment for the organization, and weigh whether or not that the affected optional enhancement that relies on older versions of Adobe is needed for business purposes. As a user of the software (though not affected by the vulnerability), we weighed the need of the optional software and found a workaround that does not expose us to a known vulnerability (but given time, there will be more).  It is disappointing, though, in the credit union arena that a client would expose confidential information that affects up to 300 other credit unions.  An intelligent black hat can take the information that was shared with Brian Krebs and information filed quarterly with the federal regulators to target specific institutions with Adobe PDF vulnerabilites.  Credit unions oftentimes do not have the security expertise and could have a higher risk than most financial institutions.   If you are going to shame a vendor (especially one you pay tens of thousands a year for support from them), find a better way without putting hundreds of thousands of credit union members at risk.
