
Talking about a poor political weekend...

Looks like the President is having some issues that the media is finally focusing on this week.  ​

Benghazi hearing.  - Who said what when?​

IRS targeting people that may have different politically different views than the president.​

Today, the Justice Department was outed for secretly obtaining phone records of reporters and editors of the AP in 2012.  ​

Oops.  Not a good weekend for President Obama.  This should put to rest the thought that he would have the most "transparent administration in history."​

President Barack Obama said that his is the "most transparent administration" in history Thursday during a Google hangout.

Typical politician.   Just like the issues with:​

  • Weapons of Mass Destruction - Bush 43
  • Impeachment for Perjury - Clinton
  • Read My Lips - No New Taxes - Bush 41
  • Iran-Contra - Reagan
  • Iranian Hostages - Carter
  • Nixon Pardon - Ford
  • Watergate - Nixon
  • Vietnam Escalation - Johnson
  • Bay of Pigs - Kennedy

When are people going to learn that politicians will lie and cheat right in your face?​



Anonymous Attacks via #OpUSA

Looks like #OpUSA is turning into #FlopUSA.  On April 21, the "Anonymous" hacking group put out a list of around 10 government sites and 130+ financial institutions as targets in phase 1 of #OpUSA to target on May 7.  Instead, it looks like the attacks have been mostly against smaller mom-and-pop shops, many international sites, and a couple of dumps, including a credit card dump that had about 10k expired (for 5+years) cards.  I think that the groups lost all bite when  “Izz al-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters” decided to not participate and back their own campaigns.  The day is still young, but this looks to be more bark than bite currently.
