Well, the kids have been in school for about 5 weeks and the kids have plenty to keep them busy. Anthony's first weeks adjusting to middle school life has taught him that he needs to stay organized. He is currently working on his science fair project, which he is looking at building materials and their reaction to tsunamis. His summary is due tomorrow, which he is sitting and typing right now. The cool thing about the project is that the teaching assistant in the course is a student at UF in the sciences and might have access to a wave machine for Anthony to do his experiment. He likes most of his courses and has learned the importance of showing his work in his advanced math course.
Alex has started in the gifted program in second grade. Right now, this means that she is being pulled for a more advanced math, with additional problems and a bit more advanced concepts. She loves it because she has several friends in that class with her. Many of which came to her birthday party this last weekend.
We put Joshua in prekindergarten this year to fine tune motor skill issues and to continue to work on his maturity. His reading skills may be the best at that age of the three, and is starting to show his predilection to use his left hand for cutting and writing.
All in all, a great start to the year.